Monday, July 9, 2007

Rylee's Words

Lately it has been fun hearing the new words that come out of her mouth. Her regular words are dog, no, yeah, shoes, ball, bath, and duck. Some of the fun words have been hippo, horse, and an attempt at alligator. She tries. She also has a new thing of wanting to wear dresses. She had a fun time dressing up in the pictures below. She finds most of the stuff to put on too.

Heather's mom had surgery about a week ago on her wrist. She is recovering well but we had to put this picture up because she doesn't tell anyone about it.


Chris said...

Sadie's got some glasses kind of like Rylee's. She doesn't have a fancy pearl necklace like that though.
As for my mom, she doesn't tell anybody anything. I had a conversation with her about carpal tunnel (??) syndrome about a week before she had surgery and she said nothing about it. Go figure!

Laurel said...

Rylee is such a cutie! That is so fun that she is starting to get more of a personality and wanting to be very girlie. I guess this just proves that you can tell your mom anything because she is good at keeping secrets!