Thursday, January 28, 2010

Worst Day of My Life

Today was the scariest day of my life. Piper has been sick with a stomach virus this week. She has been really tired and hasn't wanted to eat or drink very much. This morning she was laying on my chest when she started to convulse. Then her eyes went behind her head. She stopped breathing and her lips turned blue. I started panicking. I could not think of what you are supposed to do when someone has a seizure. I called 911 and they were busy with other calls. I started praying begging God to help me. I thought for a moment that Piper had died. It was the worst moment of my life. She slowly started breathing again. The 911 operator came on and an ambulance was on its way. Rylee ran next door and got the neighbor. We went to the hospital. The doctors said she didn't actually have a normal seizure. She had a febrile seizure. It is the body's reaction to a fever. It causes no real damage but it is horrifying to experience. Once you have one you could have one again. Most kids grow out of them by five. You can try to control the fever with pain medication but they could still seize. They gave her liquids at the hospital to help with dehydration and she is now home and safe. I wanted everyone to know about these seizures so you don't have to experience the same terror.
I cannot imagine life without Piper. She loves to laugh and smile. She often has a mischievous smile on her face right before she is about to do something wrong. She is tough and isn't afraid to fight back. She is extremely independent and wants to do everything herself. I love her so much. She brightens up my life and I am so glad that she is my daughter. Please give your loved ones an extra hug and kiss because they are so precious. I hope that I never have to experience this fear again.

10 comments: said...

How horrifying!!!!!! I am so glad that little Piper is ok!!!!

cindave said...

OH. MY. GOSH. Heather, that is so terrifying! I'm so sorry you had to go through that, and so grateful that she is ok. I have experienced that same sort of panic. A few months ago, Andersen hit his head and his eyes rolled back, he fell back in my arms and convulsed for a few seconds. It was horrible. And we had to call 911 on Caleb once because he choked while eating when he was like 2 weeks old and wasn't breathing. SO SCARY. It's a fear like you can't understand until you've experienced it. How do these kids consume us like they do? I'm so glad she's ok, and you're ok. Are you ok? It's late, or i'd call you right now. I love you and miss you.

Regina Lara said...

Oh my Gosh!!! We are so glad she is okay! I hate moments like those... Kiss the both of them for us!

Shepherd Family ACALPM said...

Wow, glad to hear what happened wasn't really bad or damaging to Piper. I am glad she is home! I am proud of you cause I think I would have Lost it! Though I will say I have reoccurring nightmares about having to call 911 and getting a busy signal! Scary to know it is true!

Candi & Ezra said...

Scary!!! Thanks for the info. We are so glad she is ok.

Lani said...

Last night when Josh was saying our family prayer he prayed for Piper, and I didn't know what had happened. Through out the whole prayer I was like what happened to Piper! she better be okay! I don't what Piper to be hurt! I was so scared. I was pretty upset he didn't inform me earlier, but we are really glad Piper is doing ok. We love her so much! She is the cutest and happiest little girl. We still love saying happy like she does. Your girls make us smile.
oh, by the way can you tell Scott his comment was not funny, even if I may have laughed a bit...

Lani said...
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Dalene said...

We tried calling, but got your voicemail. I was crying as I was reading your post. I can't imagine something happening to Piper and I could almost feel how scared you were. I am SO, SO sorry you had to go through this, but I am glad she is okay now. Call us when you have a minute. Lots of love.

Crescent said...

Oh this post made me cry!! What a sweet tribute to little Pip...she is such a sweetie and I'm glad that she is doing much better now!

John and Karisa said...

Heather, that blog post was FRIGHTENING! I can't even imagine. I'm so relieved Piper was fine and that now you know what to look for and what to do if it ever occurs again. Man, that is so scary. I went and gave John and Benson teary hugs after reading your post!